Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

All I want to be is ME, not matter what it's going to be ME. Through thick and thin, it will always be ME. Living life everyday, through it all it will always be ME, MYSELF, and I<3

Okay, let's start this. So lately I've been really happy, I feel free FINALLY! My mom isn't quite the biggest bitch anymore. She talks to me now, even though she did tell me she hated me and blah blah blah. I know she loves me no matter what the hell happens, through thick and thin, she will never leave me. I think she did give up on me though, like she has tried so hard to keep me in one piece, but she failed. And I agree, she did fail she failed miserably! You see the picture I posted? I posted it for a reason, because in order to achieve greatness, I am NOT going to ask for permission. I am going to do whatever I please, and feel that is right. I am going to do ME<3 I love myself more then life it's self, I deserve great happiness, I deserve everything in the world that I work hard for. Ain't no stopping me now you know? :) Anyways, I just hope my mom knows that she didn't raise a fool. She raised a beautiful young lady, her baby, her daughter. My mom just doesn't understand the difference between living in America, and Asia. I can't tell her what to do, and what to think. But if she has given up on me, she needs to think twice. 

 SEN10R CLASS OF 2010!
Just about a month or so, and I am graduating! June 4, 2010 @ 7 is when my life is going to change. I am going to finally be out of High School! I am really excited, yet nervous at the same time. I'm kind of scared... as much as I hate High School, I will probably miss it. I need to make up a few credits though, or my ass is going to be screwed! I know that I can do it though, I believe in myself and no matter what I will be wearing that cap and gown that I deserve. I worked hard for this, and I will get through with this. 
Wish me luck! believe in me, as much as I believe in myself & I <3

Summer of 2010! who is excited?! because I sure am! :D
Look out world! Christine is done hibernating! :P I am going to come out and play, play, PLAY!

I think I am done blogging for the night:) I need to go to bed now, it's 2 a.m and I have school in the morning, ha ha. Good night world! :)

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