Thursday, May 27, 2010


#Libra : The one problem libra has is accepting that not all romances turn out the way they would like. Sometimes this happens because libra doesn't put enough work into the relationship, but most of the time it occurs because libra expects a lot more from a partner than most people are willing to give.

I'm kind of speechless, it's so true :P 

All in one!

I am going to post all of them in one blog, I am too lazy, and it takes TOO long to do one at a time, haha.

Something I don't understand.. why does it have to be complicated anyways? 

Yes, my first love.. 

And fly like a bird! :)

Because what you see, is what you get!

Hahah, go figure.

Because dreams do come true<3 

For better or for worse, it's like choosing your life path. You hit rock bottom, or you reach sky high. No matter what, stand your ground. Be who you are, everyone doesn't have to love you. 

It never, NEVER hurts to try :) it's the only way you live life! think about it :P

If you really think about it, there are a few meanings to this. What this means to me is, don't let someone in so quickly.. things happen so quickly, you don't even realize it.

You don't always have to fit in. Being an outcast is much better then trying too hard, haha.

Hands down, true fact! why the hell give 100% when you are only getting 35% of it? slow down. YOU are 1st priority. YOU are more important then them. M.O.E/ Me Over Everything<3


Only sometimes.

Why the hell not, hahah.

End of story.

I saved the best for last, at least in my book I thought this was the best one :)

One day :)

When the time is right, we'll see how this could go :)

Talk shit, get hit :)

To Michelle :) I thought of you, when I found this quote haha. I love you Chi :)

I'm a big girl, with a little girl heart♥

I cry, and say fuck, haha. Like I said before, "I'm a big girl, with a little girl heart<3"


I come to realize that I take too much shit from people. I say sorry, when it's not even my fault. I say sorry sometimes because I don't know what to say. Sorry this sorry that, forget that I ain't sorry for shit. 

So true.

I think sometimes I expect too much...? I'm not settling for anything less, I deserve nothing but the best<3