Today's blog is going to be about Jaimee, yeah ha I told her I was going to write one about her so that she could read it, so here I go!
You see that girl? That girl would be Jaimee Florres! I hope I spelled her last name right ha ha. Before I even start on her, I have to tell you something. Today when we were working, she asked me If I heard of this song (sorry I forgot what it was called ha ha.) anyways it was the gayest song in the world! those boys, sounded as if they were homosexuals ha ha! :D I know I know you like the song Jaimee. Okay, I take it back I guess the song was okay but that still doesn't mean the guys weren't homo's ha ha :) Okay so I told Jaimee I would write a whole blog about her, so I will. What about her? she is the most sweetest, and caring person in the world................................... I lied, she is NONE of that! ha ha just kidding Jaimee! she is, she is a good person, and I love her to death. I love to work with her, she keeps me sane while I am there. We talk about everything, I don't know I feel comfortable towards her, I can tell her stuff knowing she wouldn't judge me and she would try and help me with her caring words. Oh.. plus she always takes me home ha ha thanks so much for that! You have to meet her, she is really smart. Once you meet her, your going to love her ha ha. She is the most weirdest Asian in the world!! trust me, she won't try ANYTHING!!! she once thought I was going to kill her, because I gave her this Mexican candy from The Bazzar. But get this, she likes those yucky weird Mexican chips they sell. They are so freaking gross!!! like literally it kills to get her to try anything. Today I had this Asian rice thing Jon (J5) knew what it was and he laughed. Jaimee!!! wouldn't even touch it, ha ha. Don't blame me, if one day you try something and I put poison in it! :D Oh you know what else is really interesting about Jaimee? she always wear shorts, and I think her belts are her shoe laces. She always has a beanie, her beanie matches everything that she wears. She use to have this goofy yellow hair, haha I miss that I thought she looked cute, but yeah she always has a beanie. She wears a lot of that Imaginary or whatever brand that shirt is called. I think she owns a lot of it, hahah she sure wears a lot of it, and there all very nice and makes her quite unique. Oh and yeah she goes to Church every Sunday, she is Morman. She is like me, she is the most white washed Asian in the universe, haha just kidding!! She is from South Carolina, and she is going to Vegas this week I believe! and she is going to turn 21! when I turn 18!!!! woot woot, for the october girlies:) did I ever tell you? she shown me a few guys she dated, well okay maybe one and they are all super cute:D hahaha. She said that I could have them, hahaha. Oh, she also wears jeans from Charolette Rousse, I think that is how you spell it. She says they have the best jeans, I wouldn't know that... I think I only have 1 pair from them. I wear Pac Sun jeans:D Jaimee wears a lot of Vans. I think the one that is my absolute favorite is the one that is red, and they are pin stripped. Those are super cute! I know that she is looking for this pair of Vans, that she saw at a Journeys in S.Carolina. I should tell her that since she is going to Vegas, she should hit up the outlet store, and find those VANS! oh plus since she is going to be turning 21 she can go gamble, win me some money okay Jaimee!!! She has the Palm Centro, from Verizon she loves that phone. It's her boyfriend I think, and I think we should call him Mojo the Palm Centro :D I guess I know a lot about Jaimee more then I thought. I might know more, I just can't think hahah. Well, Jaimee! I sure as hell love you with all my heart and more! my Asian sister, hahaha. I am going to go watch t.v just like what you are doing. Oh since your going to Vegas, bring me back something bad assss!!!! :D